Monday, August 27, 2007

Estimated Time of Arrival

Winona had an ultrasound appointment last week with Dr. Soffici. The doctor suggested that she have bags packed for her next scheduled appointment on Thursday, September 6 as the smaller of the boys isnt growing at the same rate as he has been. If our next appointment shows the same growth rate, Winona could be admitted to the hospital. Two days of preparing the boys for delivery and they could be born on Saturday, Septmber 8 (Aaron's birthday).

BTW- We are considering Garrett Winsor and Grant William as names for the boys. Thoughts? Hugs to all!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Good Times

Santa Barbara Zoo (Jamie and her family, Grandma and us)

Caleb loves big cousin Ryder

Everyone loves the Santa Barbara train

Caleb loves the frog on the merry-go-round despite the serious look

Sun and Sand

The boys get warmed-up before charging the waves
(Caleb, Brock & Ryder)

Ventura pier (Nona at 6 Months)

Big cuz, Miranda and Caleb

Riding bikes in La Conchita

Donovan, Brad J. & Caleb

7 Months (28 weeks)

Winona at 28 weeks (7 Months)
Family Photo (: